Monday, September 29, 2008

Cheney and Gdubb riding bombs

I tend to have a very up and down sense of humor. I don't have a particular type of humor that I respond to, it just depends on when and where I experience it. Some days, everything is funny, other days, there isn't anything in the world that could make me laugh. Today is one of those days that I am not in the laughing mood, but I still chuckled a bit when I found the following commic

It depics "W" as I like to call him and Cheney riding atop two bombs headed for Iran. Both are well depicted in a very comedic way. There quotes are great because they can be taken and used for either side of the argument on whether to strike Iran. I am not sure if this is a pro or anti attack commic, which in my opinion can be a good think if the commic doesn't intend to portray a politically biased message(if he did-he failed). It allows the illustrator to poke fun at politicians and policies without making a partison attack. Even for someone who likes the President, I can still laugh at commics like this because they are down right funny. Whether he intended to or not, the commic makes a very good point in my opinion about Iran and the role the next president will have in dealing with them and their nuke ambitions. While being funny, he also evokes thinking by the reader, something that is often not accomplished by commics.

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